The Rapture: Rise Up & Wise Up
The Rapture: Rise Up & Wise Up
72 pp.
£8 plus postage direct from Fresh Olive Press: to purchase click here
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What is the Rapture?
How does the Bible instruct us to prepare for this event?
How do we qualify to be among the wise virgins of Matthew 25?
What will happen to the foolish virgins excluded from the marriage supper?
Is there hope for our prodigals?
Does it matter if Christians take the Mark of the Beast?
What does it mean to be part of the spotless Bride of Christ?
What is the role of dreams and visions in these Last Days?
How will the Gospel ultimately be proclaimed to all nations?
Through exploring the answers to such questions, may you grow in understanding the days in which we find ourselves and be inspired to overcome your challenges in life and to grow in holiness.